Thursday, May 21, 2015

Fighting the "TMI" Approach to Security

The CEO of a leading data security company recently criticized the security industry's current approach to breach detection. Basically, he said it suffers from a bad case of Too Much Information.

We couldn't agree more.

Detection tools generate an overwhelming volume of alerts and incident logs. Understaffed, overworked IT teams have to invest enormous amounts of time and energy analyzing this raw data to identify threats and determine the best way to address them. It's far more efficient and effective when security tools do the analysis for you and deliver prioritized recommendations for action. But how do you know what those tools are and whether their recommendations are trustworthy?

Let's face it: there are no silver bullets in IT security. The bad guys will eventually find a way around even the most cutting-edge technology, even as the good guys come up with a new way to block them. Nonetheless, experienced IT security pros can point you at tools that provide solid advice you can act on with confidence. If you're drowning in security TMI, call Xantrion. We'll help you focus on what's important.

Friday, May 15, 2015

3 Ways to Protect Against the Modern-Day Con Artist; the Cyber-Criminal

Con artists have been talking people into giving away their money from the beginning of time.  They found this was much easier than robbing a bank.  The modern day equivalent is cyber-criminals convincing people to give them the passwords and other information needed to hijack credit cards and on-line bank accounts.

Click here to read the full article:

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Staying Dry in a Storm of Cybercrime

Your small to midsize business probably can't avoid a determined hacker - but that's okay.  The goal of cybersecurity isn't to prevent all intrusions, any more than the goal of an umbrella is to stop a rainstorm.

In the ongoing storm of hacks and attacks, you need a multilayered approach to security, including a contingency plan like the ones supply chain risk management groups put together.  Think of it as the equivalent of an umbrella, boots, a rain slicker, and maybe even a hat.  If you stay on top of the latest security threats, detect intrusions and attacks as early as possible, and create a mitigation plan to help you recover quickly from lost data and damaged systems, you'll stay (mostly) dry.

Xantrion can't do much about the weather, but we can help you create a mulitilayered strategy to mitigate your network security risks.  Call us today to get started.