Monday, July 27, 2015

Public or Private Cloud? Wrong Question

 If you're considering moving some (or all) of your applications to the cloud, your first question might be "public or private?" That's a false choice, though. According to Verizon's latest State of the Market Enterprise Cloud 2014 study, the breadth of cloud services available today can't be broken down that easily. It makes more sense to choose an appropriate cloud service for each individual workload based on these three criteria:
  1. the risk profile of the workload 
  2. how the workload and associated data are divided between your premises and the cloud service provider's
  3. the amount of cloud environment management you're willing to shoulder
We couldn't agree more with Verizon's conclusions for assessing which variation of cloud, if any, is appropriate for your various applications. Download Verizon's free study — you'll find the details on pp. 5-6.

You'll also notice that Verizon lists all the services a cloud project might require: consulting, application portfolio evaluation, deployment and architecture design, "business of IT" support, active management of both on-site and remote cloud hardware and software, user and helpdesk support, and services around other IT areas affected by the cloud. Xantrion offers all of these services, and we're ready to help you start designing a plan to use cloud services in the ways best suited to your business.

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